Nice analysis. I wonder how much (if at all) the back spasms from the first series might still be bothering him.

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First, thanks for reading!

Second, yeah, I didn't mention it in the piece but it's a thought I had as well. Can't help if he's still feeling some achiness in his back.

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I appreciate this analysis Colin. The bat speed over age graph at is scary given Garver's age - oh well, 2yr contract... But how many Dipoto-era position player FAs have worked out? Isn't it zero?

Garver is another Kmart FA, signed based not on real performance, but on projections of performance if he stays healthy. Raley a total lottery ticket - massive power hoping he connects more often. They sign these 2nd & 3rd tier FA's because of :

1. Stanton et al cheap management won't spend on 1st tier FAs

2. inability to develop MLB ready hitters in the farm system (I think this is the real key)

I see how well M's pitchers are doing. Sometimes when they get hit what stands out is the opponent hits good pitches at edge or out of strike zone. I bet there's a way to total batting stats for balls hit outside the strike zone. Wonder how M's compare w/good hitting teams...

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Maybe he should swing a lighter bat!

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